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ILASA was established in 1963 as a voluntary Professional Institute specific to Insurance Loss Adjusters. This was at a similar time as the establishment of the IISA. The two bodies worked together to ensure cohesive and solid insurance qualifications for the Insurance Industry. Whilst the IISA focus on Insurance Brokers, Underwriters and Claims staff competencies, the ILASA specifically focuses on the Loss Adjusters who are independently appointed individuals to investigate complex and high value non-motor claims for Insurers and provide an independent report on the circumstances, cause, validity and settlement recommendations to Insurers.

Whilst there is some overlap in insurance knowledge with insurance education and qualifications, there are no local insurance qualifications that provide the investigative, chain of evidence and report writing skills needed for the Loss Adjusting profession. Therefore, the ILA constituency carries close ties with Legal firms and Insurers to provide for the unique skill set required by Professional Loss Adjusters.The objectives of the Institute are to:

• Maintain and enhance the dignity, prestige and status of the profession;
• Uphold, regulate and control the integrity and professional conduct and to preserve the independence of Loss Adjusters;
• Promote the skill, efficiency, service and responsibility of the profession;
• Establish and maintain a high standard of education and knowledge;
• Represent the views of the profession and to promote the common interest of its members;
• Co-operate, liaise with or make representations to various bodies or persons.

National Committee Chairs

Image by Sincerely Media

National Commitee

Executive Commitee

Membership Commitee 

Education Commitee

Bryan Moyles

Bryan Moyles

Arndt Reinhardt

Bryan Moyles

Regional Committee Chairs

Sid Mann

Henk Beukes

Frans Henning

Arndt Reinhardt

Graham Skelding

Gavin Colyn

Southern Gauteng

Northern Gauteng

Free State 

Kwazulu Natal 

Western Cape

Eastern Cape 

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